I am Shubham,
a digital designer
& frontend
developer based
in India.
As an experienced Web developer and Designer, I bring over 3 years of expertise in crafting dynamic and visually appealing websites. What sets me apart is my ability to collaborate seamlessly with developers and designers, creating robust web-based mobile platforms, customizing solutions, and contributing to future projects. Whether it’s optimizing user experiences or implementing cutting-edge designs, I’m committed to delivering exceptional results!
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- Visual Design
- Branding Identity
- UI Design
- Product Design
- Poster Designing
Tools Known
- VS Code
- Figma
- Canva
- Framer
- Github
- Vercel
- Netlify
Networking & HTML, CSS
Learned fundamentals of Networking and HTML and CSS. Witnessed the awesomeness that can be carved using these technologies.
JavaScript & Figma
Web Designing
Learned JavaScript for website utilities along with Figma for web designing and experienced the magic they could bring to life. Practiced and sharpened the skills to get proficient experience in designing and development.
Scaler Topics
Javascript (Asynchronous)
Learned the Asynchronous portion of JavaScript learning many interesting topics such as try-catch, async-await, etc.
React JS
Started learning React JS, the Javascript framework used for creating amazing UI components.
DSA Masterclass
Participated into the DSA Masterclass, held by Linux World. In the masterclass, Mr. Vimal Daga taught us the basics of DSA problems and ways to solve them.
We also discussed about some major DSA problems like, The Philosopher Dining Problem.
TCS ION Career Edge - Young Professional
Learned various soft skills like Presentation Skills, Communication Skills, Accounting Fundamentals, etc. along with getting an overview of Artificial Intelligence.
Recent Works
Here are some of my favorite projects I have done recently. Feel free to check them out.
Retro Camera
Odio soluta enim quos sit asperiores rerum rerum repudiandae cum. Vel voluptatem alias qui assumenda iure et expedita voluptatem. Ratione officiis quae.
- Branding
- Product Design
The White Lamp
Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit.
- Branding
Exercitationem reprehenderit quod explicabo consequatur aliquid ut magni ut. Deleniti quo corrupti illum velit eveniet ratione necessitatibus ipsam mollitia.
- Product Design
Since Day One
Dolores velit qui quos nobis. Aliquam delectus voluptas quos possimus non voluptatem voluptas voluptas. Est doloribus eligendi porro doloribus voluptatum.
- Website
Sand Dunes
Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit.
- Illustration
Quisquam vel libero consequuntur autem voluptas. Qui aut vero. Omnis fugit mollitia cupiditate voluptas. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor.
- Branding
- Product Design